Reminiscing About The Past [Part 1]

"Rebecca, what are the qualities you like to see in your future husband?"

"Grandfather, I think It's too early for me to answer this question."

"Indeed, you are still too young. But, humor me. Tell me the qualities that you want your husband to have."

"Well, first, he must be stronger than me," Rebecca stated.

"Second, he must be good looking."

"Third, he must be someone with ambition. I don't like mediocrity."

"There is one last condition," Rebecca said. "He must be in a position of power."


That was the scene that appeared inside Rebecca's head after she reunited with the Half-Elf who had risen to heights she could never hope to imagine within the short time that they had parted ways with each other.

Many years ago, she really thought that she was too good for a dirty Shepherd, who spent his days herding goats and sheep in the countryside.