final 2 3 py

Q1. Attempt Any FOUR

(08 Marks)

a) List different data types in Python

b) State how to perform comments in Python

c) Explain why tuples are called as immutable

d) Mention the use of //, **, % operator in Python

e) Explain variable in Python with its rules and conventions for declaration?

f) List features of Python

Q2. Attempt any THREE

(12 Marks)

a) Explain any 4 built-in numeric data types in Python?

b) Describe any two identity operators and two relational operators in Python

c) Design a python program to calculate area of triangle and circle and print the result

d) Write the steps to install Python and to run Python code


Q1. Attempt Any FOUR

(08 Marks)

a) Define function in Python

b) Write the syntax of fopen?

c) Use of any four methods in math module

d) List built in class attributes

e) Use of NumPy

f) Explain use of namespace in python

Q2. Attempt any THREE

(12 Marks)

a) Describe module in Python with its advantages?

b) Explain different modes of opening a file

c) Design a python program which will throw exception if the value entered by user is less than


d) Write a Python program to concatenate two strings