

"Do we really have to do this?" Brylee asked her sisters.

"Yes, to ease Bell and Uncle's worries," Brina replied.

"What are you fretting about? You will formally introduce him to us sooner or later, we just made it sooner and with the presence of Uncle Lorcan," Briony said as she flipped the menu of the restaurant. "Oh, is this new? This wasn't on the menu last time I ate here?"

When Brylee told her sisters that she wanted to tell Ryuu about their family's secret, Bell wanted to meet the man first formally. Although they have known the man for quite some time now, they haven't really met him formally. Her sisters have seen him twice when Ryuu suddenly appeared in their house unannounced and the second one was when they avenged Brylee after finding out what he did to Brylee before he disappeared. While Brylee was sure that Bell had seen the man a couple of times if she had investigated him.