

"You didn't tell them?" Brina asked Brylee, who was sitting on the sofa inside their private space with a plate of sliced apples on her lap. 

After her exhausting talk with her parents, Brylee went to their private space to think. One by one, her sisters who came from school came. First, it was Briony who intentionally searched for her as soon as she arrived. Then it was followed by Bianca and Brina. It is rare for Bell to come home with the sun still rising. And though it is starting to get dark outside, Bell hasn't arrived home yet.

"No, I didn't. I don't know if I should tell them," Brylee shook her head. She puts down the plate of sliced apples on the coffee table and slides her feet onto the floor. She stood up and started to pace around the room.

"What did Uncle Lorcan say?" Briony took Brylee's seat and took the plate of sliced apple and ate it.