
Four Seasons

"Alright! Listen up!" They heard Gavril call their attention. They looked at him and found him already facing them. "For us to arrive at our destination, we have to cross the cliff. Some of my men could cross without any help, just like Rufus there." Gavril pointed at the guy that had already crossed behind him.

"But some cannot," He continued. "But I am sure one of you could help you cross," He added, looking at Brylee.

"Okay, easy as a pie! But I can only teleport two at a time. We'll just have to cross there," Brylee pointed in the direction where the guy named Rufus is. "Right?" Gavril nodded his head.

"Okay, how about your men?"

"I'll take care of them," Gavril said.

Brylee looks at him wondering how he is going to help his men cross the cliff. There were still fourteen of them. Sure she could teleport her sisters, Ryuu, and her Uncle two at a time.