

After their meal, Verena waved her hand then the table was immediately cleared and the food were replaced by cups of tea.

Verena sipped her tea and then placed it on the table before she started her storytelling, "Million years ago, supernatural beings coexisted with humans. Angels, demons, dragons, fairies, gods, goddesses, monsters, vampires, and witches." She started making the girls look at her like she was just telling a fairytale.

"Humans were just 1% of existence and almost as if they don't exist. They were said to be naturally good. They are the most loved and protected by the Creator. But they are weak. They are nothing against supernatural beings who are powerful. But humans are quiet and reserved. That is their way of keeping themselves safe."

"Supernaturals are powerful beings. But they are sinful and greedy. Each claimed to be more powerful than the others. Until a war started to build up." Verena said while everyone was listening to her quietly.