
Jozef Black

"Babe?" Brylee called out after she suddenly popped out inside Ryuu's bedroom. Ever since she told Ryuu about her gift, she made it a habit to suddenly appear in Ryuu's apartment without warning as long as she knows that her fiance is at home and alone. 

She doesn't have to worry if she will suddenly appear in front of Ryuu's guest because Ryuu assured her that he doesn't like entertaining guests in his apartment. And his apartment is very much secured from intruders.

Brylee was getting stressed in the restaurant and decided to have a breather by making a sudden visit to her fiance's apartment which she knows is at home.

"I'm here, Babe," She heard him respond from the kitchen while she was walking out to the living room. She took off her heels and placed them on the carpeted floor of the living room then placed her purse on the sofa.