
Unmarked Road

"Are you and Luc dating?" Brylee asked while driving.

Bell who is sitting on the passenger's seat glared icily at Brylee who is behind the wheel. 

"I'll take that as a no then," Brylee said. "I just noticed that the two of you have been seeing each other frequently this past week during your detention," Brylee added, which is the truth. Luc and Bell rarely see each other. Normally it would be once a month or for two months.

But this past week when Bell was forcibly detained by her parents at home, Luc visited her four times, either Bell called him or Luc would invite himself.

The two of them would either stay and drink at home or Luc would drag her out. Bell is only allowed to leave the house if she was with Luc.

"But you must admit, Luc has gotten even more handsome through the years," Briony said in a dreamy tone. "You and he look good together, Bell. Why don't you try to date him?"