
A.k.a Baby

"Cree Henris, was charged with twelve counts of murder, arson, illegal possession of firearms and explosives, and drug trafficking. Bailed himself out three months ago," Lorcan said looking at the mugshot of a man on the hologram screen. The man has messy blonde hair that is longer on the front. His eyes were dull and droopy with very pronounced eye bags. 

"What else do we know about him?" Lorcan then turns to look at Brina.

As if on cue, different photos of Cree Henris flashed in the hologram screens that filled half of the wall. Some of him alone, some with the company. But most of them, he was carrying guns and huge bags. His long front hair covers one of his eyes.

"Cree Henris a.k.a Baby," Brina started. 

"I am not going to call him baby," Brylee commented.

"Or Ryuu will kill him," Briony snickered looking at Brylee.