

Brylee knocked on the wooden door for the third time now. "Fenno Camasco! I know that you are in there. I would suggest you open the door at this instant. You wouldn't want us to keep waiting," Or pissed. Brylee added the last word but only to herself and then glanced at Bell who was leaning on the banister of the stair railing looking at the woods.

Aside from the face mask, they were also wearing thermal glasses so they were certain that their target was inside the cabin sitting lazily on the lazy boy chair, not fazed that there were four women threatening to break his door if he didn't open it.

"Looks like he doesn't have any plans on opening the door," Briony said looking at the wall but instead of a wall, she could see a thermal image of a man sitting on a chair unmoving.

"Do you think he is still alive?" Bianca asked, looking at the same wall that Briony is looking at before she looked at Bell behind her.