
Photos On The Wall

Rowan, Daniella, and Lorcan looked at each other confused as they stepped out of their car. Because Luc took them to his house.

"Please follow me," He said and then he started to walk forward leaving the three without any options but to follow him. They don't know how to put the situation they were in but internally, they have their suspicions but they cannot seem to prove them to themselves.

They entered Luc's house which they had never been to before. If it was another situation, they would be in awe of Luc's house and then appraise him at how he managed his house well. But they cannot seem to appreciate the house at that time.

When Luc stopped in front of the door, he looked behind him first to see if Rowan, Daniella, and Lorcan caught up with him before he reached for the doorknob and twisted it.