
Ione Madden

"I thought we were going to get Marcela?" Bell grumpily asked as she leaned on her chair with her arms folded on her chest.

"Brylee and Ryuu will get Marcela while your husband will prepare her accommodation," Lorcan replied calmly through their communication device.

When he said that they are going to get Marcela, he doesn't mean that all of them will go to her. They only needed Brylee for that and a little help from Brina to make sure that Marcela is alone when Brylee would be appearing in front of her.

The last thing that they need is an audience that would either make them believe they were just hallucinating or report to General Oblonsky. After the delusionary general lost all the 'mutants' as he would call them, he was left with nothing and would do anything to find another subject for his project.