
Fluctuations Of Two Hearts

Briony had her eyes closed as she lay on the bed when she heard movements from the other room. 

A chair is being pulled. 

Then footsteps. It was walking back and forth. A grunt. A hiss.

It was him. 

Dr. Aldrich Hinsen.

There is no doubt about it because ever since she woke up in that room two mornings ago, he hadn't left the room. No one entered except for one and that person had left a few hours ago. Although Briony could tell that she is still around. She never left that mansion.

Thinking back at that person, she instinctively closed her hands into a fist. Never had she felt betrayed like this. She was confused and angry at the same time.

The footsteps stopped. 

Heart rate fluctuates. Was it hers or to the person in the other room? She couldn't care less.

She can only think of her best friend and her betrayal.