
The Cavalry

"A bit of advice," The footsteps halted. "Be ready, because you do not know what is coming your way," Briony said as she had her eyes closed while facing the huge window. She heard the door open and closed. 

"You heard her," She heard Sam say no doubt talking to her brother. That was the last thing she said before Briony heard footsteps again. 

A door opened and closed. Sam had left the room.

Dr. Aldrich Hinsen sighed. 

Briony inhaled deeply while she kept her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes, she smiled. "So you brought the cavalry. Took you long enough," She said to herself.

Not too far away from the mansion were a dozen men wearing ghillie suits surrounding the mansion. Some were on the ground with their elbows resting on the ground holding sniper guns while others were on the top of the trees.

A few meters behind them were another dozen men wearing full tactical gear with a patch on their right arm with the word Aóratos.