
Crying And Ablaze

Lorcan opened his eyes and noticed the rays of the sun peeking through the curtains of the window. 

The sun is up. He thought to himself. It has been a while and he cannot believe that he has passed through that stage of parenthood. But he must admit that he cannot go through that alone by himself. All the credits go to his wife.

When he looked down on his chest, he found her, his wife still asleep with her mouth open. One of her arms is draped around his waist. Her wild hair is covering half of her face. He reached out and gently put her hair to the side so that he could see her angelic face.

It has been two years and he cannot believe that he has this angel in his arms that he calls his wife. Looking through her memories that day when he found out that Lydia had left him for good was one of the best things that he did in his life. The other best things are marrying Lydia and having twins.