
Questions of the Voices

Briony stared at the empty food containers in front of her and spoke absentmindedly, "I wonder if this is the beginning,"

"What do you mean?" Brina scrunches her forehead.

  "I mean hunting ordinary criminals is getting boring. We should step up our game,"

Brina leaned back in her chair and stared at Briony knowing what she meant. "Hmm…but that would mean we need dad and uncle's permission," She said in a serious tone.

"Well that is unfair," Briony pouted her lips.

"What is unfair?"

"Because she gets to hunt rogues while we can't," Briony replied to Luc's question as she tilted her head in Bianca's direction. 

Bianca's eyes immediately went wide. She didn't even bother to deny it because it was impossible, "H-how did you know?" Bianca didn't intend for it to happen. It just happened.