
Can't Get Anything By Staring

Bianca and Anouk continued to walk until she saw the two cone-shaped hills. That means she is nearing her uncle's cabin. It didn't take long for them to reach the edge of the river. 

When Lorcan's cabin came into view, they saw Aillard coming out of the cabin. Aillard is one of those descendants that are frequently visiting Lorcan's family. Bianca is still wondering why until now because most of the time that Aillard is visiting, he was having a close room conversation with her Uncle. 

Bianca wanted to ask her uncle why but she just cannot bring herself to. She doesn't want to sound inquisitive about Aillard's business with her Uncle. 

Bianca's eyes followed Aillard as he started to walk away from the cabin. He was going in the opposite direction so he didn't get to see Bianca and Anouk coming out of the woods.