
The Church

"By the way, I am Maia. I am the chief of the town," The woman said. Briony and Bianca tried very hard to hide their surprise because they didn't expect the woman with the voice of a child to be the head of the town. 

Bianca got the name of the chief and knows that it was a woman but she was expecting a huge intimidating woman. But the woman in front of them who claims herself as the chief of the town is in no way intimidating. 

She has tanned skin. She wears an off-shoulder dress that reaches up to her ankle. There is a black necklace hanging on her neck that is made of huge black beads. Her black hair is slightly curly and cascading down on either side of her shoulders. She wears a black headband to gather her hair and keep them from falling on her face. 

The way she looks, speaks, and carries herself is very feminine, but there is something that caught their eyes that is in contrast to her femininity. That is the huge tattoo on her left arm.