
The House of the Witches

Bianca started to walk again and she felt Aillard quickly follow her. 

"So you and Anouk…" Aillard got the courage to ask Bianca something but then he trailed off not knowing how to continue without offending her.

"What?" Bianca turns her head to the side to look at him. She was waiting for him to continue.

"I mean you and Anouk we're always together," Aillard just said awkwardly and Bianca understood what he meant. 

Bianca just chuckled then she said, "Yeah, we're friends. He is like a big brother to me. You know I don't have one, right?" She was not surprised that Aillard was also assuming things between her and Anouk because her sisters thought the same.

But Anouk and Bianca were really just friends.

"Mm-hmm…" Aillard just hummed in response. Bianca could not tell if he believed her or not.