
The Real One

"Dad, Briar is three streets from you and uncle Lorcan. If you would continue walking you would meet him head-on," Briony said as her eyes narrowed on the center of the city. Instead of sitting on the bench that Aldrich pulled for them, she stood by the glass window because she felt she could see better when standing. 

Just like how a camera lens works, her vision changes the apparent closeness of the image that her eyes chose to focus on. It was like her eyes were optical zooms where she could magnify the image that is so far from her. 

While her vision focuses on her father, uncle, and Briar who were just close to them, her other senses were focusing on finding out where Briar's clones are. 

It was a tricky and rather difficult technique that she learned with the help of Aldrich. It could also cause her sensory overload but only if she focuses on multiple people.