Awake And Lost

As I open my eyes my head hurts. I look around but don't recognize the room I am in. I stand up and the room starts spinning so I sit back down quickly. I close my eyes and wait for it to pass.

Once it passes I got up and went to the door, when I walked out to the front room I was confused. I had no idea where I was. This isn't my home, where is mom and dad. Where am I?

A moment later a man walks in the room.

"Ah my love your awake. How are you feeling? I have an appointment set up for you at the pack clinic for the day after tomorrow. Will you be happy if we are pregnant? I know I will be."

"Well I'm a bit young I mean I wanted to go to college first, but if we are then I'm okay with it. Why does my head hurt so much? I need to talk to mom if I am pregnant she might be upset."

"Oh my love don't you remember you were at the mall with the girls and passed out. They called me and I came and picked you up. For the last few days you have been having dizzy spells and you asked me to set up an appointment since you haven't been to the doctor yet. You can't be more than a few weeks we have been careful until just recently."

"Well we are wolves so it was bound to happen. Mom warned me to be careful. I got the pill but it made me sick."

"I know I was there. The doctor said it was an allergic reaction to the pill. We were going to try the shot next but never went back."

"Well I think I need to eat I'm starving. Can you make me a steak please? "

"Of course my love come in and sit down. Let me help you in case you have another dizzy spell."

I can't help thinking something is wrong here. Why can't I remember his name? I thought we had the dizzy spells under control. The doctor he said I was going to the doctor. I will have to ask him or her. Why won't the pain stop? Where is a phone I should call My mom. My head hurts so much, but he says it will pass. How does he know we don't go to the hospital until the day after tomorrow? I'm so confused. I guess I should just play along and see what happens. Honey is it possible to get our doctor's appointment moved to tomorrow? I hate these dizzy spells."

"You know what I will call Max and see if it's possible. You eat and I will call him."

As I am eating I have to stop, the room starts spinning again. Once it passes I got up and went to the bathroom and threw up everything I just ate. I hope if I am pregnant the doctor can help with this. After a minute I wash out my mouth and go to the living room. He gets up from his chair and wraps his arms around me.

"Don't worry the doctor will help. What do you say we go to bed."

"Yes I think that would be a good idea. if I am pregnant I don't think I can handle this for the entire pregnancy. I am very tired as well."


I have been looking for Emma all day, the first thing I did was call the police. The second thing I did was call her aunt who came out and sniffed around the house. She could only pick up me and the girl's. She did say their was a strange void but she couldn't tell me who it was. I had to tell Emma's parents that she was kidnapped Luckily Yvette and Ellen were with me they were able to back me up as best as they could. I also called my parents as well as the local king and queen. I was honest and told them I thought their son had her but I had no proof.

Yvette called Cammie and told her Emma was kidnapped. Then she called Marie and told her Emma was kidnapped as well. Since she was at the clinic I asked them to pass it to Max as well. I am worried since her vitamins are here what will happen to her.

Yvette passes on the question and the answer scares me, because since she hasn't had her vitamin the dizzy spells will come back.

The interesting part came just as Marie and Yvette were going to hang up. Max said to tell me a man was bringing his mate in the next morning. They think she is pregnant and she is having dizzy spells and bad morning sickness. He said his name was Micheal but didn't give her name. They are going to be here at eight so have whoever you need here get them here by seven thirty at the latest ok. When they hang up I call Ellen and mom and dad as well as the American king and queen. I give them all an update and tell them about the doctors appointment tomorrow. Then we make plans.