Learning skills in the jail

The stench in the prison made Yang Xiaofan almost suffocate. Seeing hundreds of prisoners in prison clothes saying he was Zhang San, he almost cried

Finally know why to find Zhang San is also a task, and there are up to 10000 experience reward, prison is all Zhang San!

He looked at the task again, looking for 'crazy Zhang San' and asked again, "who is crazy Zhang San?"

"I'm crazy."

"I'm crazy!"

"Dog day, I'm the craziest. I don't want to fight!"

"Come on, who's afraid of who!"

A group of Zhang San in the prison did not agree with each other and beat each other

Yang Xiaofan wants to vomit blood. How can he find it? Which is his goal? There are so many compartments in the prison. He is only in one compartment. He can't help asking one by one

Wait, there is a way, Yang Xiaofan eyes a bright, shouting: "who dares to break with me!"

The disorderly and noisy prison was quiet for a moment. With the sound of unlocking outside, Zhang San went back to his original place and sat quietly

The jailer came in with an iron bar and looked around at the prisoners. "Who's going to break out?"

Prisoners in the prison raise their hands to point to Yang Xiaofan

The jailer saw that it was Yang Xiaofan, and his heart was full of helplessness. "Be honest with me."

Finish saying, leave directly

The prisoners in the prison were stunned. In the past, they would be beaten by ou for shouting. This guy openly said that he was going to escape, but he was not beaten!

The jailer didn't want to fight, but he couldn't fight this guy at all

"Poop, poop, poop."

A strange voice came from behind Yang Xiaofan. Looking behind, it was a disheveled man with a ragged beard and bright eyes

[congratulations, find the maniac Zhang San and gain 10000 experience. Please ask Zhang San how to escape from prison]

[congratulations, gained 10000 experience, upgraded to level 4, attribute point + 40]

[congratulations, trigger task 2, escape from prison, successful reward experience 50000]

Yang Xiaofan was very happy. This task was so powerful that it exploded. The first link was upgraded to level 4, and the second task was awarded 50000 Yuan directly. Isn't the reward more abundant?

Fortunately, he didn't delete the number

Yang Xiaofan quickly ran past, endured the man's stench, and directly asked: "how to get out?"

"Little brother, look at your courage, let's go out together." the man got up, his chain clattered, and a pile of lice scurrying around under his buttocks, which almost made Yang Xiaofan nauseous

The maniac Zhang San pointed to the ground, "let's dig it out."

"With what?"

Crazy Zhang San raised his hand full of mud and shook it in front of Yang Xiaofan


God knows how long you make complaints about what you've done in the past. Why don't you run out of the tunnel yourself? "Yang Xiaofan said after he was half dull.

Maniac Zhang San dug his nose. "Don't worry, soon, you can learn a hole digging skill from me, which can improve your speed of digging. As for why I don't run ahead of time... You're not bullshit. When you skip class from a private school, you will run by yourself. You must be running with your classmates. If you die like this, you will die together. You have a companion."

Yang Xiu was speechless

[Ding, do you learn hole drilling skills


Skill: burrow, level 1, 0 / 1 from next level

Yang Xiu is speechless. He has seen videos of previous generations of virtual online games, and his skills are very powerful. Tens of thousands of people are not a problem all at once. Why are his skills so weird? Is it too low?

Thinking, raised his hand to the ground to poke

The red words of - 1 appear on the finger, life - 1


Scream sounded at the same time, the sound of the system followed

[congratulations on the improvement of digging level. The current level is 2, 0 / 10 away from the next level]

Yang Xiaofan wants to raise the skill level of digging hole by his attribute points, but he is not willing to add it to this rubbish

Finally decided to upgrade unarmed level, finger again to the ground, the - 1 red letter float out


With a scream, a number floating from the fingers, digging skills continue to improve

"Ding, congratulations. You've been upgraded to level 3. You're still 0 / 100 away from the next level."

"Congratulations, you've got a level 4 to dig a hole."

"Ding, you've bled too much and died. Level down one level."

With tears in his eyes, Yang Xiaofan tried his best to dig holes with his hands. His nails cracked, his wounds were bony, and he even bled to death without giving up. Whenever he wanted to give up, he recalled the humiliation he had suffered over the years

A person's bathtub is crowded in by three elder sisters to use together. He can't go to the swimming pool. The swimming pool does not take up his time and let him support them. He is afraid of watching ghost movies, but he wants to watch them. After watching them, he goes to his bed to disturb his sleep

He is fed up with such a life!

He wants to finish the task! He wants to upgrade! He wants to make money and leave!

"Ding, please pay attention, there are still five minutes to go off the line, warm tips: please find a safe place to go off the line."

Yang Xiaofan looked at the hole has been dug half, and when he goes online tomorrow, Zhang San should have dug through. Facing the maniac Zhang San under the hole, he said: "I'm going to be forced to rest. You dig first. When I wake up, we'll run away."

In the last few minutes of exiting the game, he looked at the property panel

Nickname: I picked up your cat for a walk

Title: a hundred people cut, a thousand people cut, timid

Medal: level 10 vanguard Medal (10 attributes can be added to the title of 'coward like a mouse')

Occupation: no

Grade: 3 (0 / 100)

Life: 15 / 300


Physical strength: 50 / 300

Charm Value: 10

Reputation: 0

Weapon: None

Skill: digging holes

Skill: None

Disposable property remaining 140 points

Other Yang Xiaofan did not pay attention, he only noticed a little

His attribute is wrong!

Clearly want to add on the attack, how to add on the title! Or that shit title!

Timid as a mouse - who will wear this title!

Function: as long as you don't take the initiative to attack and are lower than the enemy's level, you can be ignored by the enemy (upgraded to: if the level is lower than the enemy's level by adding 10 attributes, you can be regarded as rubbish by the enemy and completely ignored.)

He doesn't want to be regarded as rubbish. Yang Xiaofan will not use this title even if he is chopped to death or run over by the enemy!

These ten attributes are blind, and the remaining 140 attributes will be kept first. Go out to visit the forum and decide which career to take in the future

Sit on the ground and get off the line

It's two or three o'clock in the morning when I come out from the game warehouse, but there are still a lot of people on the forum. After all, some planets are only dawn now

When Yang Xiaofan knew that world radio could still be blocked, he was shocked!

Why didn't you say it earlier? If you knew it earlier, he would have blocked World Radio!

As for being chased by a group of people?

At the same time, he also knew the characteristics of the new game. It was learning skills to create skills. He was secretly glad that he didn't use those attribute points indiscriminately

"What skills can be created by digging holes?"

I fell asleep with such questions

At six o'clock the next morning, three women rushed into Yang Xiaofan's room and exclaimed excitedly, "Xiaofan, get up! In order to thank you for your contribution yesterday, let's make breakfast!"

"Don't... I want to sleep." Yang Xiaofan covered his head. He didn't go to bed until more than three last night and didn't want to get up

Su Su's face immediately pulled down, cold voice let the room temperature down the well, "I cook you dare not to eat? Want me to play your little XX?"