
"I'll go! This guy is awesome! Did you escape again? "

"Is this version of the cell easy to get out of?"

"Why, there is no gold reward? Is there a shortage of funds in Yamen? "

The players marveled that "pick up a cat" escaped from prison again. Some people wanted to catch him, but when they saw that there was no gold reward for this mission, they were too lazy to move.

Nearby players are interested. After all, with 100000 experience, they can upgrade one level at level 7 or 8.

The group of people who are chasing Xu Lotto are very excited. Unexpectedly, they are so lucky that they meet "pick up a cat" here. Catching him will certainly enhance their reputation.

But what puzzled them was that when the cat saw them, instead of running, he rushed towards them.

Just then, a group of jailers and captors burst out of the cell.

Yang Xiaofan yelled: "boss! Run! The captor is catching up

With "I am the creator of the times" as the player

Many of the players at the head of the team were confused.

boss? What, boss.

"These bastards! The gang committed the crime and caught them A group of dozens of level captors were very angry.

Many players who are chasing Xu Lotto shudder and immediately realize something. Qi Shushu glares at Yang Xiaofan.

Yang Xiaofan looked at the captor who had already rushed in front of him, pushed away the player "I am the creator of the times", and hysterically yelled: "boss! Run, leave me alone! If you're caught, you'll be cut to zero! "

"I'm not Shit! How could it be cut to zero! Run Many players hear that they will be cut to zero, but they don't care to explain. They want to kill Yang Xiaofan, but they can find that they can't hurt him at all, so they have to flee quickly.

But they are the highest level nine players, how can they surpass the level 30 captors?

They got caught one by one.

When Yang Xiaofan saw that "I am the creator of the times" was arrested, he cried with heartache: "he is not my boss, let him go! I have nothing to do with this group of people! "

"Shut up! Do you think we're idiots? " The first Constable scolded coldly. If it wasn't for Yang Xiaofan's passivity, he wouldn't hurt him at all. He would have beaten this guy who escaped from prison.

Because of this person, his bonus this month has been deducted.

In the end, Yang Xiaofan and the people who pursued Xu Lotto were all arrested.

Xu Lotto in the distance looks at Yang Xiaofan who has been taken away, her beautiful eyes twinkle.

At this time, Yang Xiaofan sent a private chat, "they are about to be cut to zero level, I will hit them in prison to delete the number and re practice. Don't be so stupid in the future. If someone bullies you, tell me, I will kill them."

"What do you do? It's not easy to come out, it's hard to come out again. " Xu Lotto heart is full of moving, but she would rather Yang Xiaofan safe out, also don't want to let Yang Xiaofan in again.

"There is nothing in the world that can stop me. You can upgrade to level 20, so that I can take you to complete the serial task of crazy Zhang San. OK, don't talk about it."

Yang Xiaofan showed a wry smile after cutting off the private chat. This time, I don't know how these people in the prison will trap him.

A group of them were brought into the Yamen. The county magistrate with a moustache like a tortoise sat on the court.

"My Lord, we are wronged! We have nothing to do with this boy. I suspect he is setting us up. " [I'm the creator of the times] I yelled with handcuffs, others echoed, and the court became very messy.


The county magistrate snapped, "silence! Don't bother me

At this time, Yang Xiaofan quickly said: "county magistrate, I have nothing to do with them. I planned the escape alone!"

The player [I am the creator of the times] hears Yang Xiaofan's words, his face suddenly changes and stares at Yang Xiaofan coldly, "why do you want to frame us?"

Even idiots can see that "picking up a cat" is setting them up.

"Yes, county magistrate, I set them up. I really have nothing to do with them." Yang Xiaofan said frankly that he disdained to talk to this man.

The magistrate sneered, "do you think I'm an idiot? How can you escape from such a tightly guarded prison alone? There must be an accomplice. Can you recruit these people? "

"No!" These players haughtily chest, as long as they do not recruit, then in accordance with the judicial process, they will not be punished.

Yang Xiaofan bowed his head and gave a bad smile. His goal was achieved.

He looked up at the group and shook his head. "Brother, times have changed."

At this time, the captors around rushed forward, pushed the group down and put on various kinds of torture.

"I am the creator of the times" suddenly changed his face, "what are you doing! It's not legal! "

The captor didn't care about him at all, so he started to punish him by pressing it on the ground. He used all kinds of vice, chili water and beating board.

With a scream, a number of blood red floating from them.

"Why don't you hit him! He is the mastermind [I'm the creator of the times] lying on the ground, I scream bitterly. When I see Yang Xiaofan sitting beside me, he roars angrily.

There was still no response.

Captors all know that at level zero, he is a bully. It's just a waste of energy.

At this time, a man was killed and dropped one level. A silver coin burst out of his body. The captors seemed invisible.

Yang Xiaofan looked at these captors in a daze. Are these people so rich? Don't pick up money when it falls on the ground?

No, maybe because they are NPCs, they may not be able to see the items dropped by players, or temporarily.

Yang Xiaofan quickly picked up the cover, went to the magistrate and handed him the silver coin.

The magistrate pushed back the silver coin and squinted, "as a magistrate, I refuse to bribe."

"What kind of bribe? The money was lost in the court. It must be your master's." Yang Xiaofan pushed back the silver coin.

"So you saw that I dropped it." The magistrate touched the moustache and put away the silver coin.

At this time, [I am the creator of the times] died, and a gold coin and a copper coin fell from his body. The gold coin was shining, but the NPCs really didn't seem to see it and didn't respond at all.

Yang Xiaofan quickly picked up the gold coin and left the copper coin. In the past 30 seconds, the captors finally saw the copper coin and picked it up and handed it to the county magistrate.

It turns out that players are the first to see items dropped by players, and NPC will see them after a while.

Yang Xiaofan suddenly thought of a plan, went to the county magistrate, whispered: "master, I think of a plan to get rich, want to cooperate with master."

"Oh? Fortune plan? Let's hear it. " The magistrate touched the mustard road.

"You may not know that our group of players will drop some items after they die. I can hide them among the players. When your spies report those people who have committed the most heinous crimes, then you send someone to catch them. In this way, you will get a pile of stolen goods and confiscate them."

What Yang Xiaofan said is already very obvious. The so-called confiscation is to give the magistrate himself.

The county magistrate's small eyes were so bright that he turned to look at Yang Xiaofan contemptuously. "I can find someone to do it myself. I don't need you to be a criminal. Besides, who wants you to get so close to me and get off me?"

Yang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed.

He wanted to take advantage of the county magistrate's greedy behavior to find a chance to leave the prison, but the county magistrate looked down on him and did not give him a chance at all.