Party title

Yang Xiaofan decided to start fighting against the bowl!

But I think I need to use bowls to cook. It is bad for others and not for their own benefit.

Then never wash them!

I won't wash them pants any more!

Black Yang Xiaofan walks to the bathroom, whether washed, all take away, hidden in the wardrobe.

Back to the room, open his head to send a message to Xu Lotto at the same table. "Ask you something, how can I make my sister afraid of me."

Xu letuo returns the message in seconds, "what? Was bullied so many years finally thought of resistance? "

After all, they are at the same table. She knows about Yang Xiaofan.

Yang Xiaofan blushed. After all, it was a disgraceful thing. He asked impatiently: "don't waste words. Is there any way? If they don't hurt. "

"Yes, of course, as I said, your three sisters will be afraid of you. First, they will get a long rope, tie them up according to the course I sent you, and then scratch their feet. They will be afraid of you." Xu letuo sent a video when he sent the news.

There are three words on the cover of the video, "turtle armor binding."

"Does this work?" Yang Xiaofan has a skeptical attitude.


Xu Lotto saw Yang Xiaofan's reaction, and was stunned. "You have not seen this binding method, have you?"

"First time I saw, is this binding very famous?"

"Lie in the groove, you are absolutely the giant panda of the twenty-two century! I'm all grown up. I haven't seen it! Listen to me, it will work, no matter you beat me! " Xu Yuetong, at the other end of his head, laughed wildly.

She was just teasing Yang Xiaofan, who knows that he has not seen this binding method! So evil led up.

The Internet is so developed that today, no one has seen that kind of film?

It's incredible!

"Go quickly, and get rid of your sister's claw early!" Xu Yuetong just like a devil general bad smile, she can not wait to see Yang Xiaofan's nose swollen.

"They all went online to play games. I'll learn and fight against the war in the evening." Yang Xiaofan replied carefully.

"By the way, I'll be on my birthday three days later, you haven't forgotten it."

Yang Xiaofan's instinctive convulsions of eyelids, "this time, I don't want to go to the Arctic Ocean to eat hot pot."

When they were a primary school student, Xu letuo's birthday gift was to ask Yang Xiaofan to take her to the Pacific Ocean to see sharks, and he really went under the coercion.

It was also entertaining.

After that, she has a lot of wonderful requests for her birthday every year, and her birthday has become the most gloomy moment of yangxiaofan's year.

"No sharks, the birthday gift I want this year is to let everyone know you're giving me a birthday celebration in the game."

"How can I do this!!!" Yang Xiaofan was upset by three exclamation marks.

"I don't care, if you can't do it, tell your sister you bully your schoolgirl at school and talk about love and eat all your lunch."

"When did I bully my schoolmate and talk about love?" Yang Xiaofan was forced to face.

"Bye, I went to work." Xu letuo did not answer Yang Xiaofan's question, leaving a word and went offline.

Yang Xiaofan's heart grief is added, because this woman has been snatching him lunch from primary school, which leads to his malnutrition, so that he only grows to one meter 82.

Originally, Yang Xiaofan's dream was to enter the Star League team.

Angry point open turtle armor binding teaching video, he not only revenge sister, but also revenge on this woman!

It takes a few months for ordinary people to learn 108 binding methods, but Yang Xiaofan, who has strong learning ability, only took two hours to learn it!

Bored he waited for his sisters to come out of the game.

While in the air, while wandering the official website, thinking about how to cause a stir in the game, let everyone know that he is giving Xu Lotto birthday.

There are many posts on official website forum to discuss him. This makes Yang Xiaofan proud of it. It is also a little famous.

But he is more concerned about experience posts, which are useful and can make him better upgrade and make money.

Some talk about the skills, and some talk about where to upgrade quickly, where to explode money or equipment.

Some people 'selflessly' will learn how to create skills to share, of course, this post is charged, can let the post in reality make a money.

From these posts, Yang Xiaofan learned a lot about the game knowledge, Yang Xiaofan saw these posts is envious.

In the last few days, he killed a wild monster, that is, the old hen of the village head's family, and he still killed the wrong one. Most of the time after that was spent in the escape and cell.

The most interesting thing in the post is the acquisition and utilization of attribute points.

We all know that attribute points are very important. Only ten attribute points are awarded for each level of promotion. Other equipment or tasks that can add attribute points have become a preemptive product. Many large associations have begun to fight against this.

Some professional analysts think that attribute points are the most cost-effective in terms of skill and other aspects. Every 50 attribute points can improve the quality of the skill level and greatly improve the combat power.

It was also mentioned that the last version of the top ten masters [Oriental believers] will accumulate the skill of "Kaitian sword" into Tianpin only when the financial group operates and the accumulated experience.

Therefore, it will cause a great sensation if the ability of "picking up a cat" can be promoted to the heaven. It is considered that "pick a cat" is a small size of a big guy or a big financial group.

Yang Xiaofan thought for a moment and opened a post that can only be watched by paying. The name of the post is: "the real identity exposure of" your cat went out for a walk and was picked up by me "

"Is there a advertiser?" it says in the post? I want to receive the advertisement, later in the game, clothes can be embroidered with your advertisement. "

Finally, the amount of watch post is set to watch once in a piece and published to the forum.

Generally, only those with high reputation and many fans will set up the post as a payment, and only those people have the value to watch.

Who else will see the amount set?

The tradition of white Piao has lasted for a hundred years, and will not change because of the economic development.

But Yang Xiaofan is famous. He hopes to save some change money or something.

He thinks the title is also set up very well, the real identity exposure of "your cat went out for a walk and was picked up by me".

Exposing yourself will definitely attract the eye.

Just after posting the post, the background prompts hundreds of people to open and watch, but 30% of the benefits will be removed from the platform.

Those who spend a dollar to open the post in the content of the post is actually received advertising, angry scolding.

"Title party! Give me a dollar back! "

"It's so shameless. You can see how shameless you are from your ID, asshole!"

"After that, the salary would have been even thinner, and the salary of 100000 yuan this month was one less."

"By! Upstairs is the gorgeous rich, step on this bastard! "

Yang Xiaofan still underestimated his own heat, less than half an hour, unexpectedly, 10000 people have opened the post!

Even if it's pulled, there are 7000!

It made him feel like he just wanted to make a little bit of money and didn't react until he was a long time old,

"Ha ha, eat and add an egg tomorrow morning! No, I need to have an extra gut! "