Doesn't work

The next morning, when Su Su and Su Yuyu got up, they found that they were the first to wake up and call their elder sister, but they didn't get up even after eight o'clock.

Su Su happily goes back to sleep, while Su Yuyu enters the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Another hour later, Su Su, the third sister, went back to bed. Yang Xiaofan and her elder sister had not got up yet.

She was a little puzzled, holding a teddy bear ready to wake them up.


Su Meng's room opens. Her hair is messy. She runs into the bathroom with the sheets in her arms and closes the door quickly.

Throw the sheets into the washing machine and press the switch to clean them automatically.

Throw your little pants into the basin next to you and pour in the washing powder.

Sue stood in front of the mirror and stroked her hair. She didn't know what she was looking at.

After a while, Yang Xiaofan came out of the room with his chest and chin raised.

He was in a good mood until two or three o'clock last night, as if he had been reborn.

He will never be oppressed or bullied again!


A teddy bear flew over and knocked Yang Xiaofan down. Su Su, the third sister, ran over barefoot and sat down on his stomach. All of a sudden, she almost took out the meal he had yesterday.

"I get up so late. Do you know I'm hungry?" Su Su, the third sister, pinches her hands and stands on a small mountain. Her beautiful eyes stare at Yang Xiaofan.

Yang Xiaofan, who has just awakened, gets up and presses Su Su on the sofa, grabs her little feet and starts to scratch.

"Ah! Ha ha! Help! Ha ha! You're done, sister. Help

Su Su couldn't get rid of Yang Xiaofan's big hand. She laughed itchily, but when she was itching too much, she felt uncomfortable and cried for help.

The second elder sister who cooks in the kitchen and the elder sister who washes out all come out.

If it had been in the past, Yang Xiaofan would have been too scared to move, but today is not the same. He wants to fight three!

Pointing to Su Meng, the elder sister, she called out, "you, just you, go and get me some rice!"

Second sister Su Yuyu's gentle face is full of shock. What's wrong with Xiaofan today? How dare you talk to me like that!

Su Meng goes straight to Yang Xiaofan and uses Brazilian Judo to lock Yang Xiaofan's limbs and press him to the ground.

Su Su, the rescued third sister, bares her teeth and tears down Yang Xiaofan's trousers. She pinches her leg hair and pulls it hard.

"Ah" the scream of killing a pig.

"Su Meng, be careful, I will..."

Before Yang Xiaofan finished speaking, his head was pressed by Su Meng in the mountain peak, his red lips were close to Yang Xiaofan's ears, and he whispered: "if you dare to tell me what happened last night, I will break your limbs and let you lie in this home forever."

Yang Xiaofan chrysanthemum a tight, sad shed two lines of tears.

I subdued my elder sister last night. Why did it change during the day?

Poor leg hair, pulled down by the evil Su Su one by one.

The day is still as usual, there is no change, Yang Xiaofan is still bullied, after dinner or he does the dishes.

Do yoga in the morning or let him be a coolie.

When helping elder sister Su Meng rub her legs, Su Meng said, "I saw the post you posted on the forum yesterday. I didn't sign the company in disorder."

"No, just a few simple agreements." Yang Xiaofan was in a trance, just like a walking corpse. He said the content of yesterday's contract again, and his expression was obviously that he had not come out of the attack.

Su Meng nodded, "very good, worthy of my brother, very smart, if you get angry in the future, there will be a lot of advertisers looking for you, when the time comes to show me their contract, I will help you see if there is any problem, so as not to be cheated by the contract."

"Oh." Yang Xiaofan pretends to be perfunctory. He won't look for his elder sister. If he looks for her, won't he let her know how much money he has made? Damn big sister.

"Asshole! Don't be distracted. Where else do you want to pinch? " Su Meng sees Yang Xiaofan who pinches leg for her Nie wrong place, shouts in a hurry.

Finally, after lunch, the three sisters went out to feed the cat, which was the happiest time for Yang Xiaofan.

After they went out, they sent a message to contact Xu lotto. She may have gone online to play games, but she didn't reply.

"Dream" system update in the early morning, the length of the game increased to eight hours, many players happy, the increase in length also means that may be more happy to play.

The official website also said that in two months' time, it may launch a game warehouse where you can play games while sleeping, and if so, it may increase the length of the game.

He wants to save 100000 yuan before that to buy a game warehouse like that. Although there is pressure, only when there is pressure can he be motivated.

Quickly enter the game warehouse, scan the iris and log in to the game.

After playing the game for so many days, he is the only one at level zero.

But he doesn't worry. He has two tasks with a lot of experience. As long as he completes the task, he can improve his level. Now the most important thing is to learn skills and improve himself.

No longer pursue upgrading. After all, if you upgrade rashly, someone will cut him down and his alchemy furnace will explode.

There was no place for him to cry.

Enter the game and reappear in the dark and rotten prison.

When two sleepy jailers saw Yang Xiaofan wake up, they immediately raised their vigilance and looked at him with wide eyes, for fear that he would escape again.

Yang Xiaofan didn't have time to escape from prison. When he opened the character panel, Xu Lotto was online. He asked in voice: "I used the move you taught me, but why did my elder sister beat me up again this morning after she was obedient last night."

"What! Did you really do it? " Xu letuo exclaimed.

"Yes, I scratched her feet for more than three hours last night and used more than a dozen kinds of binding methods. It's very comfortable to retaliate, but I was beaten again this morning. It doesn't last at all!" Yang Xiaofan is very depressed.

"Did he scratch his foot after three hours?" Xu's voice is almost broken.

"Didn't you tell me to scratch my feet? Are there any other moves? " Yang Xiaofan is puzzled.


"What are you calling me for?"

"You should scold me."

Xu lotto, who is painting in the wild, is very speechless. Suddenly, her eyes light up and she smiles evil again, but Yang Xiaofan can't see her expression.

"I'll teach you another move. While scratching your feet, blow air into your sister's ears. In three days, your sister will listen to you."

"Really? That's it? " Yang Xiaofan is very suspicious.

"If you don't want to be oppressed by your sister, just listen to me. Anyway, there's no loss. If you don't say it, you're brushing the field."

With that, Xu cut off the voice quickly, and then couldn't help laughing. For so many years, she thought her deskmate was a straight man, but she didn't know anything!

This has something to do with Yang Xiaofan's growing up environment. From childhood to adulthood, few male friends took him to understand x culture. Xu Lotto dominated him after class, and she would beat any male who would order meat jokes.

At home, his network has been a teenager mode so far, controlled by his elder sister, and even less likely to contact those information.

In Yang Xiaofan's consciousness, love is just eating and kissing.

Yang Xiaofan remembers this matter suspiciously. Looking at the backpack box on the character panel, one of which has Hua Tuo's handed down Pharmacopoeia, he reaches out and takes it out.

Huatuo handed down Pharmacopoeia, which is thicker than Xinhua Dictionary, appears in hand, simple and heavy.