
When Yang Xiaofan came out of the game warehouse, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and he quickly got up in fright.

Forgot to cook for the sisters!

When he came out of the room, he saw the takeaway box on the table in the living room. One of the bags was not opened outside, and there were a few people eating leftover takeaway boxes next to him.

Next to the unopened takeaway, there is a post-it note with a line of beautiful fonts, which is the font of the second sister at first glance.

"Heat it up when you eat, don't be playful, remember to study."

Yang Xiaofan raised his mouth slightly, put the lunch box in the microwave oven, raised his arm, sliding the light brain on his arm, and the screen appeared in front of him.

After entering the game's official website and strolling around, there are almost no posts about him. After all, there is a lot of information every day. Those professional players and big guilds are the real focus.

Just like the first player who created the [Sunflower Collection], it has been forgotten.

What Yang Xiaofan didn't expect was that there were 10,000 more paid posts to watch yesterday, and I don't know what they pictured. Could it be that the price is not high?

Several companies in the background contacted him to advertise. After he responded, these companies directly said that they had no idea.

It must be because he didn't make any noise today, lost his attention, and thought it was worthless, so he didn't want to cooperate.

Yang Xiaofan curled his lips, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Create a paid post again and edit the content of the hemostatic grass. This hemostatic grass has a huge effect in the early stage and can prevent continuous bleeding.

It can be said to be an important herb for survival in the wild, but no one knows this information yet.

Of course, he didn't write all the content, and the few hemostatic plants with the best effects were not written. The good things are always reserved for himself.

This time the charge is ten yuan, and it is marked that reprinting is prohibited, otherwise it will be legally liable.

As soon as the post was posted, many people didn't even read it and cursed it.

"Ten yuan? This bastard is cheating money again!"

The price is indeed set high, and those professionals set a maximum of fifty yuan, but that is all their experience summed up through hard work.

Generally, the posts that can collect ten dollars are also the experience of some top players, which are very valuable to watch, and Yang Xiaofan is set to ten dollars, or he is considered to be cheating money or being arrogant.

"Shameless! If you click on it, I will be your son!"

"Haha, why didn't I hear from you today? Can't escape, you are just a little flower in the wave of history, and then your name will not appear in the game."

However, there are still some wealthy people who are curious and clicked on the post. After seeing the content inside, they commented on a series of "fuck" below to express their feelings.

"Essence post, this is definitely the essence post, I suggest the forum administrator to refine it!"

"Thank you! The upstairs must be a trust, don't believe me!"

But as more and more people watched, so did the so-called 'trust'.

Yang Xiaofan was not in the mood to pay attention to these things at this time. In contrast, he valued the Pharmacopoeia more.

The effect of the pharmacopoeia cannot be measured by money. Just posting the contents of the hemostatic herb caused a sensation. What about the powerful prescriptions and upgrade pills?

He sank into the pharmacopoeia again to study, but fortunately, he recorded all the content in the pharmacopoeia before leaving, so he could study outside.

Even the matter of revenge on the eldest sister is almost forgotten.

He didn't know. As he was studying, his posts became more and more popular, and the major guilds received news one after another and spread the content.

So there was a strange scene in the game, a group of people madly weeding, trying to collect these hemostatic plants, for fear that it would be a step too late.

But gradually I discovered that the backpack was full, but these hemostatic grasses were everywhere.

They realized that there are a lot of this kind of herbs and there is no need to pick them, but there are several kinds of herbs that are relatively rare.

In the subsequent battles, when people were injured, they would squat and pull the grass into their mouths, chew twice and put them on the wound to relieve the continuous blood loss and greatly improve the survival rate.

This has earned Yang Xiaofan a lot of fans.

The three sisters Su Meng came out of the game warehouse and rushed into Yang Xiaofan's room together, preparing to rob him.

Seeing him sitting at the table studying seriously, the three women were stunned, and then quietly withdrew without disturbing his study.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Xiaofan was really tired, stretched out and got up from the table.

Looking at the time, it was two o'clock in the morning.

After opening the forum, he was shocked by the amount of reading posts, and nearly 100,000 people read it!

Ten dollars per person, one hundred thousand is a million!

Even if 30% is taken away by the platform, there are still 700,000!

For the first time in his life, he realized that it was so easy to make money, and he finally knew why some people would rather not upgrade to develop an experience of fighting monsters.

As long as these experience stickers are useful, you can make a lot of money by setting them as fees!

He now has the urge to publish all the contents in the Pharmacopoeia, as long as he publishes it, he will definitely get rich!

The excitement in the heart cannot be contained, "No, you must quickly suppress this emotion, otherwise you will suddenly die of excitement."

This is more exciting than winning the lottery.

He trembling hands, put on the wireless headset, clicked on the virtual projection, and played the most terrifying horror movie. Because of the holographic projection, it made him feel like he was on the scene.

A long-tongued ghost was lying on his shoulder, making a terrifying sound.

Finally, the horrible emotions suppressed the inner excitement, and he must make good use of this wealth, rather than directly release it, so that the benefits cannot be maximized.

But when I thought of making money, and then getting rid of my sister's control, a wave of adrenaline soared in my heart.

He hurriedly used the projection to get two disgusting ghosts to calm his mood.

In order to prevent insomnia due to excessive excitement, a projection of ten ghosts was created in the room, and the excitement gradually stabilized and gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the harsh screams awakened Yang Xiaofan.

Yang Xiaofan opened his eyes in a daze, and saw the three sisters who were paralyzed by the door, and hurriedly closed the holographic projection.

Anyone who sees a bunch of horrible and disgusting ghosts lying on the bed, on the roof and under the bed will be scared, let alone the timid girl.

The eldest sister was the calmest, but her face was still pale in fright. After Yang Xiaofan turned off the projection, she came in and coldly pressed Yang Xiaofan on the bed.

"You scared the three of us. You have to accompany us in the cost of mental damage, one million."

"???" Yang Xiaofan's chicken coop was full of question marks.

"Why? Don't want to accompany?"

Just after Su Meng's words, the third sister Su Su at the door burst into tears, "Well, it's scary, scary, eh, I'm going to run away from home, I'm going to see a psychologist, I'm going to travel to Alpha Planet to ease my mood ."

Yang Xiaofan: "..."

Under threats and intimidation, Yang Xiaofan painfully transferred the nearly one million planet coins he earned to his elder sister, and even the 50,000 yuan he had to return yesterday.

There are only two thousand yuan left in Cary.

The eldest sister Su Meng said indifferently: "When a man has money, he wants to run around. This money is reserved for your future wife to spend. I will save it for you."