I'm not here to grab the blame

Yang Xiaofan also didn't expect the medicine to work so well. The diarrhea herb was considered a scarce medicine just now, and it was good luck to encounter it.

See, this is the end of non-cleaning. They have to be diligent and clean the cell frequently, not to mention high-grade drugs, even if it is weeds, then he has no chance to escape from prison.

Holding the wooden plank all the way to Pingtian Mountain, the scenery along the way is very beautiful, and from time to time he can see a few ordinary herbs. He wants to pick it, but there is no place for the backpack.

It's twelve o'clock in twenty minutes, and we must go there quickly.

There are very few pedestrians on the road, and many people have learned that the three major guilds will swipe the boss tonight, so they split the time and use up the game time during the day.

All the way to the bottom of Pingtian Mountain under the covers, you can see the crowds of Pingtian Mountain from a distance. On the flat hillside, there is a huge golden bull fighting the three major guilds, and the blood bar is about to be lost.

As long as the gold and bull's blood are gone, the three major guilds will start fighting, and the battle will be very fierce at that time. Everyone will stare at the hillside with breathlessness, without noticing Yang Xiaofan behind.

Yang Xiaofan held the sign and rushed in, hoping that the live broadcast could record him.

But when he turned on the live broadcast, he was surrounded by enthusiastic fans holding signs, which made his sign very inconspicuous. He wanted to squeeze, but it attracted anger from the people next to him.

"Go away! This is where the [Indestructible Dynasty] fans stand, go away and hold a sign."

Yang Xiaofan was very helpless, it was too inconspicuous here, and Xu Lotto was definitely not satisfied.

Sighed, squeezed towards the direction.

"Damn! What are you squeezing, what do you want to grab equipment!"

"Still holding a sign, which guild's fan?"

"Dogday, play a game and even give someone a birthday, deserve to be so simple...Huh? Prisoner's uniform?"

"Wait! Look at the id on his head!"

"I'm going!'Pick up a cat'! He ran out of the prison again!"

When he saw Yang Xiaofan's reaction, he had already squeezed through the crowd and ran to the front of the crowd.

Most of the people around him were still paying attention to the game, and few people noticed him. He thought for a while and walked towards the battlefield holding the sign.

The three major guilds openly used bosses, and all players consciously stayed away from the battlefield, for fear of being suspected of robbing equipment. If they offend them, then don't want to play this game.

But Yang Xiaofan walked in with the sign, which attracted the attention of many people, including the three guild leaders who were directing the battle.

They coldly cast a 'reconnaissance' towards Yang Xiaofan, and when they saw that he was only level zero, they ignored him and continued to brush the boss. It was a critical moment and there was no time to pay attention to Yang Xiaofan.

Even if they know that he is the recent sensation "Your cat went out for a walk and was picked up by me", in their eyes, he is no different from ordinary people.

Yang Xiaofan bypassed the people of the three major guilds and came all the way to the huge golden bull, standing beside him holding a sign, watching the time and waiting for twelve o'clock to come.

At this moment, the live broadcast room burst open.

"Fuck! It's'picking up a cat', he escaped again!!"

"Why is he here? To grab equipment?"

"What's going on! Why doesn't the golden bull attack him!"

People from the three major guilds noticed the weirdness of'picking a cat'. This'picking a cat' entered the attack range of the golden bull, but the golden bull continued to attack them as if he could not see him, and ignored the'picking a cat' !

Yang Xiaofan didn't expect that the title he most looked down upon could help him.

Title: As timid as a mouse.

Remarks: The player is too timid, so this title is awarded. If the level is lower than the enemy's tenth level, it can be regarded as garbage and completely ignored (it has been strengthened with ten attribute points and cannot be strengthened again).

This is the title obtained after being scared to death when he fell from the cliff that day, and then accidentally added ten attribute points to it.

After strengthening [Timid as a mouse], even if he attacks this 30th level **oss, he will not attract the attention of this big guy.

Yang Xiaofan leaned on the sign and waited for the arrival of twelve o'clock, looking enviously at this group of players fighting in the wild.

The three major guild presidents always had a bad feeling and signaled remote players to attack them.

Arrow feathers, fireballs, ice cubes... smashed towards Yang Xiaofan, he hurriedly turned the sign over, guarding the sign in front of him, for fear that the sign would be destroyed.

"Puff puff!"

The weird scene made everyone watching the battle sluggish, and attacks such as arrow feathers and fireballs fell on him, without causing any damage! !

It's all misses.

"I'm going! What's the situation! No injuries!"

"He is obviously only level zero! Why can't an attack of more than ten levels cause him harm!"

"Hang up?"

A bunch of question marks in the barrage.

The strangest thing is the text on the prison uniform behind him.

"Advertisement: Jianlibao."

"Attracting investment."

God fucking attract investment! !

The people in the three major guilds are messed up, and seeing the golden bull is about to be killed, why does this guy appear, and why the attack is not effective for him?

Dozens of people were trampled to death by the golden bull.

Yang Xiaofan didn't want to cause misunderstanding, and hurriedly shouted to the people of the three major guilds: "I'm not here to snatch blame, please don't worry."

The three major guild presidents continued to order the battle with sullen faces. They vowed that if the 'picking a cat' dared to rob a monster in the middle, it would be cut to him forever level zero.

Yang Xiaofan leaned on the plank and waited for twelve o'clock to come, and said inwardly: "This time it can be regarded as eye-catching, Xu Leto should be satisfied."

There are only less than 3,000 people left in the team of 30,000 people. They walked around the golden bull. They cooperated in tacit understanding. The blood of the golden bull was worn away a little bit. The battle was of great ornamental value.

However, they are no longer the focus. The focus has become the 'picking a cat' who is leaning on the chin next to the golden bull as if waiting for something.

The golden bull does not attack him, and the skills are invalid for him, as if he is not a character in the game world, which caused the official website to increase the number of complaints.

Many people suspected that he opened up, hoping to give an explanation.

Real world home.

His three sisters watched this scene, and couldn't understand what Yang Xiaofan was walking, but this did not affect their inner pride, and they wished to tell everyone that it was their younger brother.

Finally, the golden bull was brushed to the point where only a drop of blood was left. Just as the three major guilds were about to start grabbing equipment, the golden bull suddenly roared, a dazzling golden light burst out of his body, and the missing blood bars were instantly filled.

"Be careful! The monster is rioting! It can kill him in a few seconds!"

Monster riots, a kind of passiveness of the boss, are triggered by a certain level of blood being knocked out, and temporarily increase the monster's attack power, which is equivalent to returning to the light, and the monster can be destroyed as long as it hides.

The body of the golden bull became hundreds of meters, like a high mountain, with red eyes rushing towards the people of the three major guilds. The rocks where it passed by, the trees turned into powder, and the earth trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred, like a doomsday.

The most terrifying thing is that it spit out flames in its mouth!

The moment the flame touched, the remaining three thousand people turned into a white light, disappeared in place, and returned to the place of birth. There were a pile of equipment under the ground, and there were even three pieces of golden equipment.

Suddenly, the rioting golden bull wilted, restored its original size, and the blood bar returned to a drop of blood.

Within one kilometer, there is only one living person left.

At this time, at exactly twelve o'clock, the only living person who was left suddenly held up a sign and shouted: "Xu Lotto, happy birthday!"