Steal skills

Su Su looked at the robot still motionless, a little anxious, raised her little mouth and kissed Yang Xiaofan's face to prove their'relationship'.

The eldest sister Su Meng kissed her, her movements were very proficient, and when she saw them, she would often cheat the couple to eat.

The second sister, Su Yuyu, blushed and did not dare to move, her heart rate accelerated, she quickly pecked Yang Xiaofan's face, and then quickly lowered her head.

Three lipstick marks appeared on Yang Xiaofan's face.


He suddenly sighed in melancholy, and was used as a tool man again, and he had to act as their boyfriend every time he went out to eat.

The other men in the restaurant looked very painful when they saw Yang Xiaofan being kissed, and almost smashed the table with jealousy.

Three such beautiful women kissed him, and he even sighed!

They really wanted to kick Yang Xiaofan away and take his place.

Of course, this is just to think about it, this man is so handsome, they can't compare, it's normal to attract beautiful women.

The robot waiter was relieved, gritted his teeth humanely, and served four couples' meals, "You are cruel."

They got the discounted food and strawberry pie as they wished.

After they left, an electronic billboard outside the restaurant added a note: "No set meals for four couples."

After eating, the four of them returned to the small room tiredly. The three women lay on the sofa and didn't want to move. They beat someone all morning, too tired.

Yang Xiaofan was afraid that the third daughter would let him massage him again, and quickly threw the third daughter back to the room. They still didn't want to let go. Fortunately, he was able to break free, otherwise he would be wasting time playing games.

Run back to the room quickly, open the game compartment, and enter the game.

There are still two days to open the recharge system, you must quickly learn skills to strengthen yourself, learn two crafts, and maybe you can earn some extra money.

He has studied the skills announced by other players on the official website, compared with the skills he learned, and found that his skills are more useful.

He returned to the prison and continued to learn skills. Soon, the three sisters went online, and the feed informed him to drop in the Novice Village.

The three women's ranks obviously can kill him with a single stab, but they don't know why, they have slashed a lot of stabs, and their eyes are still angry and frustrated.

Yang Xiaofan's forehead is full of question marks, how did he provoke them?

After being chopped to level zero, he used the earth escape technique to come to the edge of the cliff, looked at his [crutch] still, and sneaked back to the ground.

A group of players saw Yang Xiaofan appear, and rushed up as if they had seen gold. Even though the fact that he was in the overlord at level zero has been known to everyone, there are still people who don't believe in evil and want to try their luck, and then...


[System notification: One of your silver coins was stolen by the player 'Your cat went out for a walk and was picked up by me'. ]


[System notification: Your fine silk stockings were stolen by the player 'Your cat went out for a walk and was picked up by me'. ]


"Run! Yang Xiaofan learned the stealing skills!"

"Perverted! Shameless! Return other people's stockings!"

"Damn! This guy is in jail every day, how can he learn so many skills!"

A group of people were afraid of being stolen and fled in all directions. Yang Xiaofan didn't give them a chance. He finally found a target to improve his proficiency, how could he let them go.

Use the [running] skill to rush towards them.

A strange scene appeared on the street. A group of players with a dozen or even twentieth levels were chased by a zero-level player.

"Ding, congratulations on your success in stealing, get a silver coin, and your proficiency +10."

"Ding congratulations on your failure to steal, proficiency +5."

A 10** player [Little Sister Run] was chased by Yang Xiaofan for several kilometers, and a pile of things fell off his body. He turned around and cursed: "Asshole! There are only ten backpack slots under the tenth level. You stole it all. There's so much stuff, why haven't you packed your back!"

Yang Xiaofan glanced at his character panel silently, and clicked on the backpack. There were densely packed backpack grids, all of which he sewed by himself these days.

His goal is to get more than 10,000 backpack slots. In addition to money, each backpack slot can hold 100 similar items.

At that time, get it with 10,000 backpack slots, which are full of things. Every time you die, you drop something from these million items.

In this way, the probability of exploding the handed down alchemy furnace can be reduced.

The player [Little Sister, run away] was chased for 30 minutes, and in the end only a big pant covering the body was left. His ferocious face was long gone, and he cried and said, "Mao, I have become a polished commander, don't pay anymore. It's gone, really gone."

Yang Xiaofan took two unwillingly, but he didn't steal anything, and regrettably walked onto the road.

After a while, another group of players rushed in excitement... and then fled in fear.

Soon, the news that Yang Xiaofan would steal something spread, and fewer and fewer people wanted to try his luck.

Yang Xiaofan looked at his backpack with satisfaction, and got over 30 bronze outfits. These were able to sell for a lot of money. After the announcement that the recharge system was about to open, the price of goods had fallen, and he had to make a move quickly.

When he was about to sell his equipment to the npc, a group of players came to him in the distance, obviously coming for him.

A blood-colored cloud is embroidered on their chests, which is the symbol of a guild.

This guild was so famous that even if Yang Xiaofan didn't pay special attention, he could still see this guild on the forum.

The Scarlet Empire Guild.

In the first version of the game, this guild was just a group of small gangsters who had no bottom line, looting monsters, hacking people, looting equipment, and occupying wild areas.

Many guilds have been besieged and suppressed, but they can always come back to life, and then they will specifically shame those guilds that have surrounded and suppressed them, interfere with the wilds, and be spies during the city war, which is extremely disgusting.

Later, no one wanted to provoke this group of guys. In the second generation of virtual online games, this group of people inherited the spirit of their fathers and played their shamelessness to the extreme. They also have brains and hardly provoke those big guilds, even to the Great Red Societies. Give equipment to flatter.

The big guild also didn't want to get a mess of shit, so it didn't bother to pay attention to what this group of guys did. Later, it gradually developed and grew. It is said that a consortium is behind them.

Seeing them appear, the smart Yang Xiaofan's first thought was to escape, but at this moment, a large net appeared on his empty back, and he was instantly detained!

"Stealth skills!!" Yang Xiaofan was shocked.

Sure enough, after the invisible person behind him launched an attack, he appeared in shape.

Assassin stream players!

Yang Xiaofan wanted to escape and took out his weapons to attack the big net. The weapons and equipment were durable.

But this net turned out to be a gold level! It can't be broken at all!

This is too worthy of him, use golden equipment to catch him!

The people of the Scarlet Empire came slowly, and the leading player stood in front of Yang Xiaofan with the nickname [Blood Dawn]. This person carried a big knife and had a scar on his face. It looked a little scary.

He smiled and said: "Where did you learn the [Stealing] skill? Our Scarlet Empire is willing to pay for it."

"One hundred gold coins." Yang Xiaofan said lightly.

[Blood Liming] The smile on his face disappeared, and he, who was a little scary, was even more scary. "You the fuck don't want to cooperate?"

Yang Xiaofan's face was also pulled down, it was not empty at all, and he said directly: "When you meet, you will tie me up, and cooperate with your ancestor! Besides, the value of this skill is far more than this price, I love to buy it or not."