To catch Sheng Li

Ying Lili again went to the mini library and checked if any secret door was there. She checked behind the shelves while touching the wall and tapping on it. As she reached the end shelf, she touched the wall there as well and tapped on it. She heard a sound as if the wall had space behind it.

But the construction of the wall was so refined that she could find nothing suspicious in that. She scrutinized the end wall, but nothing was there. The Crown Princess looked inside the shelves to find if there could be any secret door lock made. She kept checking inside the shelves when she found a lever, which was hidden at the bottommost shelf behind some old books, and moved it down.

The shelf moved back, which astonished Ying Lili. "So, the wall had no secret door, but this bookshelf is itself a secret door to the other room," Ying Lili muttered. She quickly went in and the thing that she saw not only shocked her but also, at the same time baffled her.