I want to Love you

Ying Lili stopped in front of a stall that was of a future teller. "Let's go there," Ying Lili fervently told Sheng Li, who read the board on the stall. 

"What? Does he do future-telling? What kind of joke is he playing with the people?" Sheng Li muttered. 

"It's palmistry, and it is fun. I know no one can tell you your future but people still want to know because they hope for something best for them," Ying Lili explained to Sheng Li who counter-argued with Ying Lili. "That means people are fools," he pronounced. 

Ying Lili grabbed Sheng Li's hand and took him towards the stall. "Brother, can you tell the future of my husband?" Ying Lili asked politely. The man who was seated on a wooden chair stood up and gave a nod.