Such a Precious Woman

Lei Wanxi with sparkling eyes said, "Sister Lili confessed to you, Brother Sheng. How could you be so dumb?" He happily hugged Sheng Li. "You got such a precious woman for you who loves you wholeheartedly. I am so happy for you, Brother," Lei Wanxi said and pulled back.

"Brother Sheng, when did Sister Lili draw this?" Nianzu asked.

"Many days ago when we were in the Southern Province," replied Sheng Li. The smile from his lips was not disappearing.

"You shall answer her," Nianzu stated. Sheng Li nodded. "I had never imagined that she would confess to me this way. Though she did this in her drunkard state when she was awake, she told me to find the meaning. How could I be so naïve?" Sheng Li thought.