Yunxi, the Little Girl

"Leave my robe, first," Sheng Li told the little girl when he recalled Ying Lili's scolding. He had to be gentle around kids. Moreover, he had to learn how to be good around kids as he would soon be the father of two children.

Sheng Li got on his knees and gently grabbed the arms of the young girl. "What do you want?" Sheng Li asked her.

"I got lost in the market. I want to go to my mother," the little girl told Sheng Li, who hummed.

"Can you tell me where exactly you lost sight of your mother?" Sheng Li asked as he wiped her cheeks.

"In the market, near the toy shop," the little girl answered. Sheng Li stood up when the girl held his index finger tightly. Sheng Li smiled for an unknown reason. He was usually angry around kids, but after Ying Lili's pregnancy, he became gentler and calmer towards them.