Who are you?

The day had passed by in a blur. Augustus didn't aggravate me as he was busy while Yves just went missing. Lady Sarah had dropped by to remind me what the Grand Duke's do's and don'ts. I should've listened to her because I didn't remember a damn thing.

"My lady, you're so pretty~!" Tani's awe brought me back to reality. I snapped my eyes, staring at my beautiful face in the mirror. Even after seeing how Tani did a great job of dolling me up, a deep sigh slipped past my lips. I was looking forward to this day and Augustus just had to ruin my mood. 

"My lady, are you nervous?" asked Tani with genuine worry in her voice. Nervous? Believe me or not, I would never feel other things in meeting my fiance aside from excitement.

"Of course, Tani. It's my first meeting with my fiance." I lied, but Tani still bought it.

"Don't worry, my lady. I'm very sure the Grand Duke will be smitten with you once he laid his eyes on your beauty." Her eyes sparkled with hope, clasping her hand together as it seemed she had already imagined a magical start of a romance story in her head.

'How nice to be like her.' I sighed faintly, shaking my head to clear my mind. 

"Tani," I cleared my throat, snapping her out of her dreamy fantasy. "No matter what, don't go out at night."


"Just don't go out at night, alright?" I raised my brows, staring at her sternly, as she might become someone's midnight snack if she didn't adhere to my orders.

"My lady." Tani pursed her lips as she gazed down. "I can't promise you that since I was called to help tonight."


She raised her head, casting me an apologetic look. "Since my lady will go to the banquet, the head maid told me to help in the laundry tonight."

Was Tani stupid? Doing laundry at night? Oh, good lord! 

"Resign to bed early tonight." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Don't worry about the head maid. I will talk to her..." or talk to her boss, knowing she probably wouldn't listen to me.

"My lady..." Tani's eyes welled up, moved by my 'kindness'. Not that it came from pure kindness. I just didn't want her to die since I would need her in the Grand Duchy once I marry my fiance.

Suddenly, a knock came from the door, catching our attention. I gazed at the door as it opened, revealing the butler. The nerve of this nameless butler. He just entered without receiving my permission.

"My lady, a carriage from the Grand Duke came here to escort you to his estate," the butler informed me, but I kept my poker face.

I slowly stood up, marching towards him, and stopped a few steps away from him. I gazed up, scanning him until I met his eyes.

"What is your name?" My question took him by surprise as his brows quirked. 

"Solomon, my lady. Solomon Parry." 

I nodded in understanding. "Alright, Solomon. Hear me very carefully." I paused deliberately and only spoke when I had his full attention.

"The next time you enter my room without my permission, I will kill you." His brows furrowed as doubt flickered across his eyes. "You heard me right."

"My lady —"

"I will kill you if you enter my room without permission again," I repeated sternly, so he wouldn't forget. "I may not be your master, but I am your master's daughter, who is already a lady and the future Grand Duchess of Esmond. Disrespecting me also means disrespecting the Marquess and the Grand Duke. Or do you not respect the Marquess and the Grand Duke to act this bold?"

Solomon Parry froze as he stared at me in the eye. It was already a disrespect that someone like him dared to meet my eye, but whatever. I had enough of people coming into my room whenever they pleased. They wouldn't give me some slack!

"I… I'm just…"

"I do not need an apology, Solomon. What I want from you is you look down, and say 'yes, you will not do it again'." I raised my finger and put it down, gesturing him to lower his eyes, which he did.

"I overstepped, my lady. My apologies, I won't make the same mistake again."

"Good," I intoned, nodding in satisfaction. "Now, lead the way."

"Yes, my lady."

"No, lead the way to where my first brother is. I need a word with him." Solomon seemed surprised, but I promised Tani she should resign early. I wouldn't let her become this family's snack; I needed her.

With that being said, Solomon assisted me to where Augustus was at during this time. The bastard was in the mansion's library.

"My lady." Solomon stepped aside, gesturing for me to enter. I gave him a nod before he left me alone to find Augustus. The mansion's library wasn't as large as the imperial palace's library, but it was surely cozier. I searched for him and soon enough, I found him on the last aisle, facing a shelf while putting back a book.

"I didn't think you'd search for me before you go," he said, slowly facing in my direction as I approached.

"I need to ask a favor." I stopped a few steps away from him. Augustus cocked his head to the side, waiting for me to speak.

"I'll cut to the chase. Leave Tani alone." I didn't feel the need to hide my intention nor use the 'sweet sister' act to him. That strategy would only work on Yves, but Augustus was different.

"Tani… that young maid?"

"Yes, my personal maid. Leave her alone."

The corner of his lips curled up, taking a step forward. "You searched for me instead of going to your fiance because of this?"

It did sound unordinary for a noble lady to go such length for a maid. However, Tani was the only person who had showed me kindness in this estate. If not for her, I wouldn't get the rest this body deserved.

"You baffle me, Marsella." Again, he took another step forward, closing the distance between us. "This is not the reason I expect from you for you to look for me. Don't you have a lot more important reason to look for me?"

Augustus didn't stop taking steps forward until he was a step from me. He raised his hand, brushing back my hair that was on my shoulder, eyes glinting on me.

"Leave Tani alone." I ignored him and repeated my request. "Even if there are far more important questions that needed immediate answers, I can ask someone else for that. I believe you're not the only person who has the idea what is going on in this estate, brother."


I shrugged. "Young master. Anyway, since I had said my piece, I must go."

"Marsella, why do you think I need to adhere to your request?" his question stopped me the second I turned my back on him.

"Because if I lose Tani now, there is nothing that will tie me down in here," I smirked, turning my head back to him. "I don't think you are so foolish to use all your best cards during the early game."

Augustus let out a low chortle while I peeled my gaze away from him, marching away from this lunatic. Whatever he wanted, I knew it was something more twisted. Even if I was a bastard, I still share the same blood as him. What a disgusting creature.

"You are not Marsella." I froze as his voice drifted to my ear. "Whoever you are…"

My breath hitched as I felt him suddenly standing behind me, bending over to my side as he whispered. "… I don't care. The only thing I care about is whether you can entertain me enough to let you live."

"I don't know what you are talking about, but that same goes for you." I turned my head to him. "Whatever you are, I don't care. The only thing I care about is whether you can benefit me enough to let you live."

"Haha. So far, it seems we're both having fun. Have a good time with your fiance. Don't stay out too late, though. Anything can happen in this estate. You don't want to see another face serving you early in the morning, do you?"

"Poor you. I can imagine you waiting for me like how a dog waits for his master to return." A scoff slipped past my lips before I resumed my steps. As I did, my eyes glinted sharply. My insult didn't faze me, as I could hear his chuckle even when I was by the door.

"Disgusting," I whispered, clicking my tongue in irritation. "I might give up my virginity tonight just to spite that lunatic."