Father, I want this marriage.


My smile then disappeared, replaced with a poker face as I drew back. Luis's smirk remained, but I ignored it while stabbing the piece of white meat on my plate.

"You don't believe me?" he inquired in interest, making me gaze up at him briefly.

"I do, Your Grace, and I'm quite flattered. It makes me think how of a good kisser I am."

"You are, indeed," he replied, along with a low chuckle. Luis was simply cupping his jaw while staring at me.

I shook my head and let out a shallow breath. "About the discussion, you had with my father..."

"The vampires?" I was cut off when he queried, and I nodded. "I thought you'd be thanking me for letting you take part in our marriage talk, but what do I expect from my fiance? She always asks about the least things I expect."

"Well, what's there to know about this marriage? They already knew you dropped my skittle."

"Did they scold you?"