[XXX]My child

"Will you really eat it?" Unknown teased playfully, being consistent with his character, but I ignored it. My gaze on the huge monster, spitting heavy saliva, glossing its body with it.

"Disgusting," I muttered. "I don't think I will." In the end, I still answered Unknown as it was impossible for me to eat that thing. Even when it was cooked and purified with divine powers, I couldn't unsee how nasty it appeared. 

Unknown chuckled. "Even I won't even want to come close to it." 

I ignored his last remarks as I looked back, checking the knights if they were already at a great distance. I looked back ahead as I need a little more time. The archers still kept it busy, but the arrows attacking it had obviously decreased in numbers. 

"Just a little more," I said, stretching my neck from side to side. I loosed my grip around my sword, but immediately clenched it tightly. "Just a little more." I nodded waiting until the arrows would deplete into none.