Revenge is a dish best served cold 1

Prince Ye's mansion.

Summer was one of the busiest seasons in the capital, there was no rain or snow so it was the best time for outdoor activities and banquets. Every day was filled with one event after the other. However, even during the banquet filled summer, there were still a few notable summer parties.

One of which was the poetry and art appreciation hosted by the only daughter of Prince Ye, Commandery Princess Meirong. Princes Ye also called Junwang Ye was the youngest son of the former Emperor. He was a notable figure in the government and the current Emperor's youngest brother.

(*sidebar- Junwang is a title given to a second-ranked prince. It is usually given to the son of an Imperial concubine or consort. Junwang is also the title given to the son of a first ranked prince, that is a Qinwang.)