The End of the Shi family

The Imperial Palace.

"We have a problem mother, Grandfather was just removed from his position and arrested!"

"What?" imperial consort Shi stood at the speed of lightning. She felt like her whole works were falling around her but there was nothing she could do about that. She touched the gold necklace on her neck and held on tight, in normal circumstances, she wouldn't hold such a precious necklace this tight but things were far from normal.

She held down the pendant, "why and how was father arrested? She sounded so calm while experiencing a small mental breakdown within her. She kept running through the plan she had concocted with her father. No matter how she checked, it looked to be fail-safe. Why then was her father arrested?

Zhongshan Cheng moved closer and replied in a loud whisper, "Imperial Father found out about our deal with the Droko tribe mother!"