Wild ambition 4

Yu'an Temple, Northern Wei 

*Kun Kun Kun Kun*

The sound of wooden knackers was heard throughout the small warship room as Zhu Fengyin sat barefoot on the flours reciting chants. She faced the golden buddha statue and listened to the monks seated around the room recite mantras. An hour later Zhu Fengyin was helped up by her lady's maid Xiaonuo and supported out of the room by her arm.

She was approached by the abbot of the temple pm her way out, the Abbot was a bald elderly male dressed in a one-handed uniform and neck beads followed her out of the praying room. "Your Grace," He said in a gentle tone bowing at her.

Zhu Fengyin stopped walking forward and glanced at her side, "Abbot Chen!" She cried out, bowing respectively.

"Your Grace, I received your request for an audience," he said gently.