A drizzle of Bad news

The Imperial Palace, the Emperor's audience hall

"Your Majesty! You have to save my lady! She just vomited blood and fainted!", Xiao Chu cried out hitting her forehead on the ground continuously.

Emperor Ming frowned as he glanced down at the maid, he couldn't care less about any f his consorts. Not when he had just lost two of his met important hostages, he had kept the two ladies hostage to keep Lu Yaozhu and Lu Yingjie from attacking him. 

He ignored her completely and turned to the kneeling guards, who moved back as his gaze fell on them. "I lost two very important guests thanks to your foolish actions, killing one useless guard won't appease me. You have From now to sunset to get me either their lifeless bodies, including that of General Lu. I don't care how you do it, I want them dead. If you do not get me their heads, I will wipe out your entire family. It is not like your lives are worth anything".