I'm no hero (part 1)

Ainar noticed his stare, and said, "What's with this intense staring, boy? Do you want to complain about something? I'm warning you, I offer no refunds." 

"No, your armor is perfect," Aito replied.

"Then what is it? You want my portrait drawn for you?" 

"No," Aito said, gazing at him intently. "I want your help." 

He then promptly explained what happened to the siblings in a few sentences. The minerian stayed stoic all along. 

"So?" Aito asked.

Ainar returned his stare. Seeing the intensity and seriousness in it, he pushed out a heavy sigh. He knew these kinds of eyes. These usually spelled trouble. 

However, he had been prepared for it. Roan had told him it could happen. Now, how did that red-haired bastard know? That remained a mystery, even to Ainar who has known him for quite a long time.