The Fourth Floor (part 1)

Ainar arrived the next morning with a shield in hand, an hour before the staircases opened. 

He walked past the two siblings, still soundly asleep at the luxurious table filled with cold food all over the place. 

Bottles of insomnia were spread on the grass like trashes. Sullying the once dignified third floor solely reserved for training. 

'Wise Ancestors… what happened here?' The minerian wondered, his feet kicking trashes. 

His gaze traveled to the hot spring bathhouses, only for Ainar to be even more shocked. 

"Oh, good morning, Ainar," Aito said, exiting a nearby bathhouse. His complexion was pale, but relaxed. As if he had been drained too hard of his bad energy. 

"Just… where is the moderator?" Ainar said, looking around. 

"Hum, uh, she's still sleeping. Will probably wake up soon enough, I think. How about we get some breakfast in the meantime?"