You of all people should know better

The challengers barely felt anything at the elementalist's fate.

By now, they were all used to death and barely spared a second glance at Roisin's corpse Aito planned on looting later in search of whatever item could be useful.

Observing from the side, Sheyla had kept her eyes on Aito with a conflicted look. Every time his glance had met hers, she would regain a cold expression despite a part of herself begging her not to. 

Sam had a saddened face. The usual talkative man had not much to say anymore as he huddled himself into a corner, uncaring of Roisin's death. Not that he ever really cared about her. 

All he had was maybe anger mixed with pity, for he knew that, like him, Roisin had been manipulated. Closer physically to Kai than anyone else—sharing his bed, for instance—the roots of brainwashing had incrusted themselves so deep into Roisin it would have required more time to pull them out. Time they did not have.