The Three Holy Divinities of the Universe

The guards, despite being the ethereal beauty, and the epitome of handsomeness, were standing as statues, neither moving nor showing any moment. 

But… but.. But… the person in concern wasn't them.

There was a beautiful, breathtaking throne made of glass, or maybe it was ice in its pure, transparent form. 

There was a person sitting on the throne. The definition of the devil in angel's disguise. 

If the guards were the epitome of etherealness and beauty, then this creature was bound to break all the standards, all the stereotypes, all the limits that the word epitome could carry in it. 

It was just like... um.. What they say... too damn good looking.

No... Good looking would actually be an understatement. He was the type of the rarest heavenly, ethereal beauty, that no one could ever imagine.

He was tall. His dark brownish hair looked like it was combed by his fingers, just to make them swept away from his face. 

He had a strong, defined and masculine jawline - the epitome of perfection in every woman's eye.  He just looked 'too good to be true' type.  What a waste of God's favourness, there was no one to appreciate this stereotype breaker.

And this stunning creature was staring at the kneeling lady. His beautiful black eyes, which carried the hues of little gold in it, were fixed on 2347, with hostility, loathness and boredom in them.. 

While creating the highly oppressive aura, that even breathing in this deity's presence became unbearable. 

" What did you say?" A cold, husky and deep voice resonated around the place, causing Celeana to flinch subconsciously. The creature sounded so damn intimidating.

His tone even seemed heartlessly cold, piercing right through her heart, like a sharp blade. 

" Ahem… Ahem.. The previous night, Lady Aelin slipped away from the Barrage to deal with the demon Akshura. She crawled back to the barrage yesternight, tittering tattering, her body covered with lots of wounds. It's already a miracle that she was still breathing."

"There was even a point when Lady Aelin stopped breathing. But suddenly, as if by magic, she breathed when we had all given up hope. Her breathing even returned to normal after that."

"Nature was personally taking care of her. She regained consciousness, before fainting away again." Celaena reported with fear, clearly visible in her smooth water breezy voice. 

There was no more dominance or authority left in her voice. 

The person on the throne just stared at the feminine creature in the kneeling position. Then gave one glance to one of the guards, who dragged her out of his sight. 

"Should we…" The person closest to 'The Great Dietiness' opened its mouth to speak, but before it could even finish... 

The Grand Hall of Throne, became so icy cold, so damn dangerous, filled with such a murderous intent, the highly unbearable, highly oppressive aura that the person even forgot to breathe to say nothing about the sentence, it was about to speak. 

But then… Woosh!!!... and The Grand Hall was back to normal, giving an angelic view, with a highly angelic aura, full of happiness and peace. 

Well… the cause of the dreadness… the cause of danger.. The cause of misery was all gone. 


Aelin, who didn't know whether she was dreaming or was awake. That whether she was dead or alive. Was still roaming around somewhere, where there was only darkness… and darkness surrounding her.

But… she was fed up with this darkness. She wanted to find light, she wanted to go after the light. But unfortunately there was no light, not even a hint of it. 

But as if The Great Gods of Heaven, listened to her request. There came a dot of light, then the dot started enlarging… into a circle.. Then more larger.. larger… and larger the circle got around her, as if it was determined to embrace her in it. 

Then she heard a voice, as gentle as melted wax, as tender as roses, as warm as sun in the winters, "Wake up, sleepy head. I need you." 

Firstly she pouted cutely in her sleep, for being called a sleepy head, but then she smiled cutely, beautifully, enticingly, after hearing that someone needed her. 

And as if that voice would end all her suffering, all her bearings, all her pains, all the chains, all the darkness around her. Her beautiful long eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly. 

She opened her Turquoise blue eyes slowly… very slowly.. this time… only to get enraptured within the pair of  black eyes, which carries the hint of  golden hues in them. 

Damn those eyes... how enthralling, enchanting, how beautiful.. And she lost herself, the moment she awoke, in that pair of eyes. 


While in heaven,  Aelin woke up as Lady Aelin or 5701 or something like that...  in simple terms a mystery. 

A certain disaster had occurred on earth, too. 

The house which had caught fire, had been salvaged by the firefighters.

The person, who according to news, died inside the house, was taken back to the Soul's Best Hospital, with lots of hope. 

All the doctors checked on the person, both personally and with the help of machines and concluded that this person was definitely dead.

But how could they say the word ' Dead' to Mr. and Mrs. Kim, who were standing outside the Operation theater, just like ordinary people, worried sick about their one and only daughter, their princess, their angel.

And as though Mahadev [One of the Three Holy Divinities of this Universe] needed anything to occupy his time. As if immortality had its drawbacks, and the Great Deity of All Deities was bored to death. So he decided to tamper with the lives of two people from two separate universes, if only for a few decades, to keep things interesting for himself.

Well for mortals, Gods existed. They were the creatures who stayed in paradise and assisted humans. The immortals. 

But the humans didn't know the fact that even to those gods, those deities, Three Gods, Three deities, Three Holy Divinities exists, to whom these Gods worship, pray and please. And if there comes any problem that these Immortals couldn't solve, then these Three holy divinites would step in and deal with it. 

And these Three Holy Divinities were ; 

Lord Brahma ; The God of Creation.

Lord Narayan ; The God of  Alimentation.

Mahadev, Lord Shiva; The God of Destruction. 

[ As per the scripture of Hindu Mythology.] 

But the thing is, No one.. Literally no one.. Be it mortal or immortal, could hope to defeat them. 

And when it came to Immortals then there was only one creature who was eligible to sit on the Throne of Glass. The very creature, who right now was busy with Aelin. Ahem!

Anyways, back to business. What everyone was dreading about had come. The person lying in OT's bed was dead. And all the staff knows, that if they say it to the people next door then they all will die next, too. 

But as if a miracle occured, the person lying on the deathbed breathed loudly. Very loudly.

[ Edited chapter

Special thanks to : Author Evil_Dragon ]