Hehe, another problem

One can say that she was feeling emotions and feelings in his boring life, already. Otherwise, who could have the guts to barge in his room or drench him with water, not to mention, trying the same tactic again, to threaten him.

Obviously, it could be her. Only her. Who could show him the high heel problem, the elevator problem, the cabin problem, the ordering problem and all those problems in just one day.

Answer : The Great Kavya Rajput.

" Fine. Tell me, what do you want to eat?" He finally asked, in a sorrowful voice.

Well, if someone woke you up, when you were sleeping in your bed, dreaming beautifully, just for his/ her own selfish motive, then… that feeling, Taekook was currently feeling it.

And without any doubt, he could have killed the person who tried it, if it had been anyone else other than his little girl.