A dark place

Well, practically it couldn't be counted as a hug, given that he hold his own coat rather than her. After that there was a thorough clean-up of the mess. She got scolded a little. And the matter end just like that. 

                                            ~~End of the flashback~~

So, yep at that time, he knows she can easily kill and beat people to death. 

" Are you alright, baby girl?" He asked, with little worry. 

Fine. Rather than worrying about the fact, he was being dragged by a girl… correction.. a little girl.That too, by his very neck-tie. Yet he wasn't worried about himself or his imag, but about this little girl. 

Q. Was he crazy? 


" Of course, just wanna go home. I can't tolerate this shit anymore." She replied. 

" But, there is one last place left. Promise, it's the last. Please." Taekook pleaded.