A new trap

While half of the people think he was the definition of cruelty, the tyrant who bullied the gods and kidnapped Goddess Sita, for his vengeance against Lord Rama and Lakshman for cutting off the nose of his sister, Surpanakha.

Ravana's ethics and morals in the fight with Lord Rama made him immortal and epitome of Villain. 

And at the end of the day ; history got written by the victors. 

So, anyways, all that this author has to say, before stating something as right, think about it, whether it's actually right or it's someone else's thinking which has been imposed on you, subconsciously, making you to defend it at this date. 

I know most of you would be like, why author is becoming a preacher today. Then the reason is very simple. It's because of these rights and wrongs of our mind, many lives on this planet suffer.