Her little princess

" Deal with them. Take him to base. Wait for the instructions." Taekook spat few words to Silent Killer. After which, Namjin and Sisoek handed over Ahan to Silent Killer. And Silent Killer knew way too very well, that he has to do the same. Drag this guy all the way to the base. After all, being an opponent and being a culprit are two different things, which got handled differently by Taekook.

If you are an opponent, and fight fairly, then even Taekook will respect you and your spirt. But if you are not fair, then Taekook won't mind showing the definition unjustness. And if you are culprit, then your life is no less than a vain. As you are bound to be tortured till your death. 

His comrades, fought with the people brought by Angel Jenner. And within 5 minutes, all the black commandos were standing in high, upright position, facing their leader, while all the guards brought by Angel, were busy crawling, squeaking, roaring, grunting in pain.