I can makeshift, sigh!!!

But now, she was explaining and looking at him with the same seriousness, making him to blink and blink. She knows it, wow, so according to her explaination, they have always been living like a couple. Hehe, how cool. 

"Ahem.. of course... there is more to what you explain." He tried to explain, to her the seriousness of matter. Though, her explaination was bit ahem.. It hit the home. 

"But.. i can makeshift with your explaination for the time being."He replied with a sheepish smile. Ah! That grin was truly splendid. One would love to watch it. But the person, who grow in beauty and glory all her life, for her it was just another sight to behold. 

"What do you mean by makeshift?" She asked with rage starting to surge in her inside out.