A quest to find

'My child. There are two purpose of element fire. 

To burn itself to fill other people's lives with light and warmth. 

To burn the whole world down, in it's wrath and fury. 

I must say, you chose the 2nd one. And the reason was your rage, your fury, your anger which blinded you at that time. 

But there was another reason, which is, your body lacked the element to balance your fury, to balance your rage, to calm you down, to bring your rationality back, to bring the gentleness of yours back. 

And that element is water. 

Otherwise, why would every creature in this Universe cry? It's because they feel light after crying, they feel calm after crying, their rationality kick in after crying, helping them in analyzing things better, it's because the water carries the ability to keep your rage in check.