
"It is the time!" murmured a vampire who is hiding his face under a hood. Focused on the platform...

In front of the square, there is a platform of the white mantle, decorated with red and gold. The intrinsic lines inside and outside it. 

Outside the Clan Leader mansion, there is a path made of white silk, with red rose petals around it. 

Little Mara stepped out of the mansion, with elegance and the bearing of authority that any Clan Leader should have, strode towards the platform.

Every step she took, with firmness and confidence. All the vampires from the lowest to the highest level watched her with worship. 

It expressed the amazement of the higher levels in plain sight.

Her dress is beautiful. The reason her followers didn't want her to wear it, is because she looks too beautiful. They're afraid she got stolen from them...

Each step emitted an aura, but not an aura of fierceness, but an aura of tranquility.